The Designers.

Gonzalo Machado and Mafalda Muñoz

For years, Machado-Muñoz has collaborated with
Authentage, adapting pieces from their catalogue to suit
a particular approach to lighting—one that sees light as a theatrical element that defines space and evokes emotion. This ongoing exchange has now evolved into
a dedicated collection, born from mutual respect and a
shared sensibility toward light, form, and object.

The starting point is Bacchus, a luminaire shaped like an inverted chalice that gives the series its name.
Inspired by Cy Twombly’s Bacchus Psilax/Mainomenos,
the collection draws on the dual nature of the god—
contained and ecstatic. The subsequent variations—
slimmer, denser, more vertical—express these nuances
through a consistent and precise formal language.

"With echoes of baroque theatricality, the collection embraces a kind of lighting that does more than illuminate—it creates atmosphere. Each piece blends Authentage's technical precision with Machado-Muñoz's curatorial vision, resulting in an exercise in restraint, craftsmanship, and spatial storytelling."